Victory Poker on Ubuntu

written by: John

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Very few online poker sites offer downloadable software that is compatible with Ubuntu. It isn't cost effective for most poker sites to offer software that is compatible with Ubuntu because of its lack of popularity. It is still possible to use the Victory Poker software on Ubuntu by using an emulation program. Wine is one of the most popular emulators available. It is recommended for use with Victory Poker.

Installing Victory Poker Ubuntu

Before you can begin using the Victory Poker software on your computer, you will have to install Wine. The following steps will help you install Wine and play Victory Poker on your computer:

1. Navigate to the Software Sources section of the Administration menu. Select the Third Party Software tab and click Add.

2. Type "ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa" into the APT line box. Click close and Wine should automatically be installed.

3. Go to Click the Download Now link at the top of the page.

4. The Victory Poker software will automatically be downloaded to your computer. You are able to download the Windows version of the software using Wine. You should make sure the software downloads to Wine, located in the Applications menu.

You can now use the Victory Poker software on Ubuntu and take advantage of all of the features and graphics provided to Windows users. The software provides a table organization box on the right side of the window. This allows you to keep track of, and switch between, all of the games you are participating in. Victory Poker also allows you to keep a buddy list in order to keep track of when your friends are online.

Instant Play Victory Poker Ubuntu

Victory Poker also gives you an Instant Play option if you do not want to download any extra software to your computer. It is also useful for players who do not think they have the computer knowledge to properly install and use Ubuntu on their computer. Victory Poker's Instant Play option lets you play poker directly in your Internet browser. You access it by clicking the Instant Play button on Victory Poker's homepage. The Instant Play software does not have all of the stat tracking features of the downloadable option. In addition, the graphics and animations used in the Instant Play software will be a little worse. However, the Instant Play option at Victory Poker does have several advantages. They include:

You can play Victory Poker on any computer that has Internet access

You do not have to worry about what operating system you use

You can start playing online poker very quickly

Downloading and installing Victory Poker on Ubuntu is not as complicated as it first appears. It is well worth the trouble if you want all of the features and graphics that Victory Poker offers. Using an emulator like Wine will allow you to play Victory Poker without having to switch your operating system. The Instant Play feature is a nice option if you want to play online poker at any computer with Internet access.

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