Apr 7 2011

Poker Players going on USO poker tour in support of troops

written by: Steve under News Comments: 1

PokerNews.com picked up on a Tweet by the USO informing the world –well at least their 10,000+ Twitter followers—that the longtime organization that provides entertainment to our soldiers stationed abroad would be holding their first ever poker tour. Among the players the USO Tweeted would be in attendance are Annie Duke, Howard Lederer, Huck Seed, Tom Dwan, and Phil Hellmuth (who posted his own TwitPic of the Poker Brat in an over the top USO uniform).

The United Service Organizations Inc. (USO) was founded in 1941 thanks to President Franklin D. Roosevelt who wanted to boost troop morale for US soldiers abroad. According to Wikipedia, the USO is a private, nonprofit organization that provides morale and recreational services to members of the U.S. military.

Over the years hundreds of entertainers, from every conceivable genre, have volunteered their time to visit US soldiers in some of the most dangerous areas of the world. During WWII the USO performed over 400,000 shows, with the likes of Bing Crosby, Judy Garland, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Frank Sinatra, Laurel and Hardy, The Marx Brothers, The Rockettes, Al Jolson, Fred Astaire, Lucille Ball, and the man most often associated with the USO, Bob Hope.

The USO continues to offer top tier entertainment for US troops, with recent volunteers including Stephen Colbert, the WWE, Carrie Underwood, Dane Cook, and now names like Phil Hellmuth and durrrr will be added to this impressive list.

For more information on the USO, please visit their website at www.USO.org

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